Saved from humanity by dogs.
Now Saving dogs from humanity.
Posts for Lifestyle Category
Life WD (With Dog)

Life WD (With Dog)

That first bit was all a bit dark and serious, wasn’t it? Sorry about that. I just wanted to convey how well and truly fucked I was, no hope, and on a path to certain death, so that you can see what one tiny 4-legged soul mate can do in an instant.

Now convention here would be to get a dog that got me out the house. A good active sporting breed or herding breed. A dog that needed walking all day so I would get back into exercise, get those endorphins pumping, and on...

LBD (Life Before Dog)

LBD (Life Before Dog)

Life before dogs – this is a state I could not possibly imagine living in...

What Is This All About?

What Is This All About?

So why are we here? Not spiritually, but physically. Why am I writing all this...


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only


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Life WD (With Dog)

LBD (Life Before Dog)

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