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Life WD (With Dog)

LBD (Life Before Dog)

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Saved from humanity by dogs.
Now Saving dogs from humanity.
What Is This All About?

What Is This All About?

So why are we here? Not spiritually, but physically. Why am I writing all this and why would you bother to read? Good question.

Firstly, I am dog obsessed, I have been all my life, long before I became a Canine Behaviourist. For a long time I have wanted to try and convey to people how perfect these animals are, and that none of us idiots (me included) deserve them.

My dog Frank literally saved my life, and then changed my life. He did nothing years of therapy, drugs, self-help books, exercises, cheesecake, or emotional spending could do, and he did it in about a day. And I want to be honest with people about that, and people should know that dogs can do this. Hopefully at least one person reading this who is struggling will know that I have felt what they are feeling, and that maybe a dog could do for them what mine did for me.

You don’t need to own a dog to get the above. Borrow one, go see friends who have them, go visit a shelter and cuddle them all – dogs are easily the best therapy and the best drug. There is an amazing video by Ricky Gervais about this online – go find it, he’s totally right.

As the above suggests, I’ve lived through some very dark times. 2 suicide attempts, years of therapy – at one point I had a whole team consisting of a physiatrist, a counsellor, my GP and a mental health nurse, all at once. I spent time in mental health institute. And I got through it all, and it was dogs that did that, not anybody else. I want to be honest about this so that others can see there is light somewhere, I promise.

I am now a fully functioning member of society, and I work with dogs – I’m a fully qualified Canine Behaviourist and a pretty damn good one. I’ve worked with 1000s of dogs, and have worked with all possible problems. I will be honest about this too. I’ll be honest about training methods, breeds, dangerous dogs, idiot owners, truly moronic owners, and the owners that give me hope that humanity might not yet be doomed.

So please stick with me whilst I take you in to my world. Hopefully you will learn something about dogs, and about humans, and that it’s ok to be crazy for a while – just get a dog to bring you back to humanity.

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